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Shaolin Wheel of Life @ Plymouth Pavilions

October 10, 2008

shAfter their mind blowing performance last November, the Shaolin Monks, The Ultimate Masters of Kung-Fu return to  Plymouth Pavilions on Tuesday 28 October 2008 with ‘Shaolin Wheel Of Life’.

The show will be jam-packed with incredible feats of strength and skill, which will delight the whole family. Twenty  Shaolin Monks and five young trainees have travelled all the way from the Shaolin Temple in China, to demonstrate their martial arts expertise.

In a crescendo of kung-fu sequences, the Shaolin Monks are lifted aloft on sharpened spears, splinter wooden blocks with their bare hands, break bricks on their heads and fly through the air in a series of incredible back flips and spins.

This show is the Shaolin legend made real and is definitely NOT to be tried at home!

To book tickets contact the Box Office on 0845 146 1460 Or visit

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