Category Archives: Health

The South Devon Health & Fitness Show 2012
Kick start your new year with the ultimate health and fitness event to take place in South Devon!
Come and meet many, many health and fitness related businesses all under one roof and find a treatment, product or exercise plan that works for you.
There will be oodles of demonstrations, talks and tasters throughout the day, so this really is a worthwhile event for those looking to find inspiration towards
a healthier lifestyle in 2012.
The Main Speakers
As well as this, three high-profile, high-impact, highinteraction speakers will be presenting in the auditorium:
Camilla Dallerup – Star of Strictly Come Dancing
Camilla is a NLP Master Practitioner Coach and this is an amazing opportunity to hear about the benefits of NLP (neuro lingustic programming) and how it
actively uses your mind and your emotions and your body to run your own life more successfully. After her talk, participants will be treated to a dancercise class to help boost the metabolism and show how fun fitness can be! http://www.camilla dallerup.com/
James Crossley – ‘Hunter’ from Gladiators
James has carved a successful career post Gladiators as a personal trainer and owner of gyms in London and Europe.
He will be coming along to talk about Tabata interval training which turns the conventional ideas about fitness on its head. Tabata interval training is the single most effective type of high intensity interval training, it’s also the most intense by far, and surprisingly it’s the shortest in duration, it only lasts for twenty minutes… broken down to intervals of 20 second work 10 seconds rest 8 times over 4 sets.
After his talk, he will be leading a Tabata class to show you what it’s all about. http://www.gladiatorszone.co.uk/gladiators/ male/hunter/
Mark & Jackie Wren – Personal Trainers to Davina McCall
Virtually celebrities in their own right, this is an incredible chance to take part in one of Mark & Jackie’s high intensity workouts, familiar to those who have used Davina’s fitness DVDs. Like Davina, Yummy mummies will benefit from hearing their talk about their approach to weight loss and getting fitter. Book early for this one!
Show Entry £6, buy in advance or pay on the door.
Main Speakers £7.50, booking in advance recommended.
Where and When
This event is being held on Saturday 14th January 2012 at The Riviera International Centre. Tickets available at www.southdevonhealthshow.co.uk